Nate D. Sanders’ Monthly Auctions offers for bidding a letter from John Lennon, founding member of the band The Beatles. The letter was written in 1968 during his trip to Rishikesh, India, in response to a fan mail, and advocates the practice of Transcendental Meditation.

Lennon writes, in full:
“Dear Mr. Bulla, Thanks for your letter. If every request like yours was granted – there would be no ‘huge treasure’ as you call it. You say ‘peace of mind minus all other things on earth is equal to nothing’ – this doesn’t make sense. To have peace of mind one would have to have all that one desires – otherwise where is the peace of mind? Even a ‘poor’ clerk can travel the world – as many people do – including friends of mine some of whom are at this academy now, all equals ‘poor’. All you need is initiative – If you don’t have this I suggest you try transcendental meditation through which all things are possible. With love, John Lennon / jai garden”