Too much on your plate? Suffering from anxiety? If you need a break from ruminating thoughts, here are testimonies on how Transcendental Meditation gets that job done well.

“I don’t suffer anxiety the way I used to, which I can directly attribute to incorporating the Transcendental Meditation practice into my life.”– Gabrielle Bernstein, author, motivational speaker, and life coach
“I’ve had an immediate decrease in anxiety and my stress levels… I notice, mostly when I don’t actually do TM, that I actually see a rise in these things.”– Kelle Maize, singer, and songwriter.
“I’ve been using it for almost 40 years now – and I think it’s a great tool for anyone to have, to use as a tool for stress. Stress, of course, comes with almost every business.”– Clint Eastwood, actor and movie director.

“Meditation erases the stress before it can take hold. It gives me the perspective not to take angry comments by strangers personally.”– Barry Zito, baseball player.
“I originally started it to help me with anxiety & insomnia. It’s already made my life way better & even with my stage fright. Which I used to think there was no cure for…” – Sky Ferreira, singer
“It is also a great stress reliever and a useful tool for artists to expand consciousness and stay focused on what makes each one of us unique.”- Elena Charbila aka Kid Moxie, actress, singer, and songwriter.

“And, you know, with the continual responsibility of having 127 people on the road, and always being the point person for everything, my subconscious is going even when I’m sleeping. I’m dreaming about whatever I’m creating next, or relationships, or blah, blah, blah. So I’m never really off. And meditation is actually the one time I get to really reset”– Katy Perry, singer
“Many people don’t understand that voice in your head that is consistently going, or thinking. There is a way to take a break from that, and just kind of be in the moment. That is what that whole meditation is about. It’s just brilliant…”– Miguel, R&B artist, and rapper

“You’ll snap out of situations in which previously you might have stressed yourself out.” – James McCartney, musician
“I come from a line of neurotic Jewish women who need Transcendental Meditation more than anyone. I have to tell you, it’s pretty charming to see a very well-dressed, anxious Jewish woman take a moment at her country club to say she needs to meditate. It gathers me up for the day and makes me feel organized and happy and capable of facing the challenges of the world, both internal and external.”- Lena Dunham, actress, and filmmaker.
“One of my biggest discoveries has been Transcendental Meditation. When I first started this practice I remember thinking ‘Oh… this is what sanity must feel like.” – Mama Kin, musician.
“I have struggled with anxiety and depression in different manifestations for most of my life. I’ve been on and off medication from the time I was about 12 years old. My Transcendental Meditation practice has had a significant effect on me and my emotional well-being. When I skip practice, my world crumbles internally. My brain feels foggy, I’m irritable, and I physically feel stress energy bubbling around my body. So I have to meditate.”– Wes Carr, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.