Some people turn to Transcendental Meditation (TM) because of health problems, others to alleviate stress. Famous songwriter, producer and singer Santigold, however, turned to the technique to “cure” a writer’s block.

The artist related to the Red Bulletin Magazine how she had come across Transcendental Meditation by asking help from another music superstar Dave Sitek from the band TV On The Radio:
“‘Dave, you’re always so level-headed. How do you do it?’ And he said, ‘Transcendental meditation.’ So I went to California to meet this 89-year-old woman who went to India with The Beatles in the 1960s. She helped me to become calm and relaxed.”
In an interview to the, Santigold added:
“You get given a mantra, one word, which you repeat to yourself. I can’t tell you what mine is, I don’t think it actually has a meaning, but saying it over and over brought me confidence, clarity and calm and made me think: ‘I can do this.’”
The album Master of My Make-Believe – for the making of which Santigold found support in her meditation practice – made it to number one on US Dance/Electronic Albums billboard.