I was in the midst of a tough personal time – one of the hardest times in my life – when I first got introduced to meditation by a close friend. I had a successful West End PR agency, a young baby, a beautiful house and was at the top of my game. Then suddenly things changed and my life turned upside down when my relationship suddenly faltered, I was left holding the baby, and my mother was diagnosed with cancer.
I sold my company, made changes in my personal life and juggled my family commitments which had been compromised by running a demanding job heading up a busy London PR agency. A friend of mine – an amputee who had her own troubles including dealing with cancer from the age of 12 – suggested that I learn Transcendental Meditation. She assured me this gave her great comfort through her difficult days… managing her health and extreme mobility difficulties and gave me the number of her Transcendental Meditation teacher.
My first thought was that this gentle technique would not be strong enough to help with what I was going through that was more dramatic, painful and difficult than anything I had experienced before in my life. Something inside told me to give it a go anyway. I needed some help and any help would do at that point. I picked up the phone, dialled the number on the slip of paper I had been given and booked on to the next course to learn Transcendental Meditation.
I remember well the first Transcendental Meditation that I did. It was like my brain was flying with relief inside my head, like a roller coaster of letting go – it was a profound release in my head that felt like the pressure and steam that had built up over all my years of stress and busy living was being let go in a most profound sensation. I will never forget the relief of that first meditation I did at home.
I remember feeling deep inside that this technique was really going to make a difference to my life. It did. I have meditated ever since – 13 years on. Now, I love it more than ever. There are no complicated leg positions to learn or difficult breath techniques with the method I have been taught. It’s a simple and really enjoyable process.
Within one week of starting to practice Transcendental Meditation, I met a man who was a soul mate, fell deeply in love and had an amazing relationship unfold. I met him in a different country and strangely he too was also a meditator. A great match all round. My new business really took off and I began working closer to my good friend Paul McKenna on some wonderful mind-power ideas. That led me on the course to meet some extraordinary people and take me on the road to my life’s mission.
Since then, I find that meditation is a way of life, central to what I do and part of my choices – as important as choices around what I eat and who I spend time with. The research on the benefits of Transcendental Meditation is astonishing – and it certainly gives me more vitality, stamina and good health as well as takes me deep into a great problem-solving and creativity mode.
It’s a simple, practical skill and one that’s easy to learn. If you haven’t tried Transcendental Meditation yet, give it a go. You may find – like me – it’s the most profound life-changer you’ve ever found.
– Susie Pearl

Susie Pearl is a happiness and well-being activist and the founder of one of the world’s leading celebrity PR agencies. She was Head of PR at MTV Europe and worked with many of the world’s most successful celebrities and businesses, including Michael Jackson, Madonna and Victoria Beckham. She has advised top brands including Microsoft, Adidas and Sony on how to work better, happier and smarter.
This blog post was first published on Susie’s blog