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A simple truth: The nature of life is happiness

nature of life is happiness video meditation nature of life is happiness video meditation

How to perceive beauty and feel happiness in every moment?

The secret here is actually really simple: we should not be seeking happiness outside in the material world. Happiness is inside all of us. If we are happy inside, we can enjoy everything in life.


According to MIU’s Professor Finkelstein, “If I’m in a bad mood and I’m walking through a park, it can be exquisite trees and birds and friends who come by — but if I’m in a bad mood, I cannot really enjoy it. If I’m in a good mood, I enjoy it tremendously. 

So very often, people think that happiness is from in the objects that they’re experiencing. And to some extent it’s true — some people like strawberry ice cream, others like chocolate. Yet regardless of the flavor you prefer, if you’re not happy inside, it’s really hard to enjoy anything. And if you are happy inside, then it becomes pretty easy to enjoy almost anything.”

How to create even more happiness in every moment?

As a result, how much happiness we experience depends on our state of consciousness — the more expanded the state of consciousness, the more happiness it creates. 

That depends on the state of our mind and how rested the body is. A fresh mind perceives the world as completely different from a tired mind. The whole of life and our environment are elevated when we feel refreshed and revitalized from within. 

When the mind is tired, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the environment is. We still feel we still do not appreciate it fully. 

So the question arises: how can we elevate or expand our consciousness to allow us to appreciate the beauty in all existence? The answer lies within by allowing our mind to experience our inner being and the divine source of energy.

Living our life in a way that we listen to our inner signals and let it be the guide for actions. Once we honour that, in the core of ourselves, we are delving into our connection with our own nature and the principles of nature that naturally govern life. 

Then we are not driven by that dictates of cultural or economic or political overlays which have been fed to us from birth through our families, through our education and through media. 

There are many ways to reconnect with our inner self. Maybe it is just through quiet times in nature, but not everybody has access to nature all the time. 

There is a technology which allows us to settle down and experience our own true inner selves, independent of where we are in a city or in the countryside. That technique of going within is found in Transcendental Meditation technique, which is a simple natural, effortless technique to allow the mind and body to settle down and experience its own nature.


This is the key to happiness in life. If we continue to allow stress and strain to build up ultimately, it influences and affects our health and behavior. There is a need to wash away the effects of living in a stressful modern life every day . 

This TM technique meditation does this effectively. Over 600 published scientific studies which show that this technique improves the mind, body, and behavior supported this . 

People who practice meditation regularly are more self actualized, more centered in their own authority and knowingness and less reliant on others to guide and direct their lives. 

This is the key to live life in a more holistic and balanced way . By raising one’s consciousness, one can enjoy life more, make better decisions, think more clearly and function with better health and well-being. 

There are many other things which we can do to support this . One of which is the ancient science of Ayurveda, which gives direction to leading a more healthy and balanced lifestyle. 

It is also based on the inner workings of nature and nature’s principles and allows our mind, body and actions to realign with the nature. 


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