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“Meditation Room” becomes a law in Kansas

Some Kansas legislators would like to make a room in the Statehouse a designated quiet space, where legislators, staff and visitors can go to for a quiet moment.

meditation room capitol kansas statehouse
SPACE FOR QUIET TIME: A look at the inside of the Meditation Room open to all Kansas state legislators. House Bill 2075 would make this a permanent arrangement. The space is non-denominational and the furniture was donated. Photo by Kelsie Jennings

The “Capitol Meditation Room,” located at 221-E, is already used as an unofficial quiet space, but legislators want to make sure that it stays that way by signing it into law.

Rep. Steven Brunk (R-Wichita) said the quiet room would be neutral, non-denominational territory that would not cater to any particular religion. It’s just simply a quiet place where anyone can go to get away for a minute, collect his or her thoughts, meditate or pray.


Rep. Virgil Peck (R-Tyro) testified that the room is useful during the stress of the legislative sessions and “could be a place to go to where you know it will be quiet and you can refresh physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Rep. Brunk added that there wouldn’t be any additional costs in making the room permanent quiet space because it is already furnished with donated furniture.

“State legislators work to designate a ‘Capitol Meditation Room’” by Kelsie Jennings, KU Statehouse Wire Service


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