Why do we perceive some things and situations as stressful? What is going on behind our forehead when an alarming impulse hits our senses? And not the least importantly, what are the consequences of deep stress, anxiety and depression on the structures and functions of our brain?
- HOW WE LOSE IT: An excellent explanation by The Scientific American on what actually happens in our head when we receive an acute stress signal.
- GUT BACTERIA: Mounting evidence is pointing to a powerful connection between the gut and the human brain, with the latest research coming from neurobiologists at Oxford University.
- CHILDHOOD TRAUMAS: How adverse, traumatic experiences in one’s childhood can leave indelible imprints on the brain and cause negative impact on the brain.
- BRAIN CHANGES: Sure, you’ve experienced the distraction, forgetfulness, negativity or anxiety that comes from stressful situations, but did you know it’s also shrinking your brain, rewiring the neural connections and creating persistent patterns of mood disorders?
- LESS STRESS, MORE CREATIVITY: A study at a Volvo factory in Sweden looking at the creativity of product development engineers in terms of brain integration and levels of stress.
- DYNAMIC, NOT STATIC: If you want to know what literally ‘is going on in your head’ then reading Your Brain is a River, Not a Rock by neurophysiologist Fred Travis is a must.
- TEENAGE BRAIN: Have you ever wondered why a teenager goes into emotional overdrive when faced with seeming trifles in life? Well, there are certain neurological reasons why a young adult is so often so stressed out…
- GAMMA BRAINWAVES: The inner experience associated with increased clarified gamma amplitude from the prefrontal cortex involves positive emotions of happiness and love, along with reduced stress.
- FIRST-HAND PERSPECTIVE: Sean Lennon, the son of John, on how you can actually ‘calm your brain down.’
- GENERATING HAPPINESS: Abraham Lincoln once wisely said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Turns out this is quite true scientifically!
![brain stress mechanics stressed relaxation](https://meditationlifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/brain-stress-mechanics-stressed-relaxation.jpg)