Length: 360 pages
Author: Jack Forem
Published: 1976 / 2012
(2nd, updated edition)
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Jack Forem, a student of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, has been a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique for nearly 40 years. When he set out to update his best-selling “Transcendental Meditation” (first published 1976), he initially thought he’d be done in a few months.
In reality, it took him two years.
Everything from health to enlightenment
This was because the seeds planted by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had grown into magnificent oak trees of bountiful scientific research and new programs across the globe.
“Based on long years of personal experience with Maharishi’s teachings, and conversations and interviews with hundreds of people, I decided to revise and update the book,” Forem explains.
“I also took into consideration, among other things, a mountain of scientific research that continues to verify the deep truth, logical beauty, and universal effectiveness of these teachings.”

Forem’s book captures this process of growth in a clear, reader-friendly and inspiring way. He covers all the relevant topics related to Transcendental Meditation (TM) practice: happiness, health, relationships, education, spirituality and religion, self-actualization, peace in the individual, the society and the world at large.
Transcendental Meditation by Jack Forem
This is a therefore a good introduction for someone considering learning Transcendental Meditation — and a heart-warming reminder for a current practitioner that the two times twenty minutes spent in daily meditation is a shrewd investment indeed.
Jack Forem, a man with 50 years of experience

Jack Forem met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and learned Transcendental Meditation in late 1966. In other words, he has been meditating for the past half a century — and few people in the West can say that about themselves.
After studying with Maharishi in India, Forem served as head of the TM center in New York and on Maharishi’s International Staff; taught training courses for teachers in Europe; led conferences and seminars on the development of creativity, leadership, and higher states of consciousness.