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Brenda Boozer, Metropolitan Opera soloist

brenda boozer opera soloist soprano on transcendental meditation
Brenda Boozer: “Three years ago I learned the Transcendental Meditation technique, realizing that Maharishi was the teacher and the TM program was the meditation for which I had been searching.“
Photo: m.fanpix.net

Brenda Boozer is an American mezzo-soprano who has had a brilliant international career performing in operas and concerts from Los Angeles to London, from Florence to Frankfurt. She was a member of the famous Metropolitan Opera in New York City for eleven seasons.

Meditation healing ’the very core of your being’

In a recent interview to Linda Egenes, Brenda explained how practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique daily has helped her to cope with the inevitable stress involved at performing at a top level in a highly competitive field:

“As a performer, you have to be steady, established. I went to Juilliard with many talented singers, but not all of us had careers. There is so much demand on performers. There has to be a spiritual grounding not to be affected by fashion or criticism. Only an inward journey could bring this steadiness.


Transcendental Meditation practice helps with clarity of mind and a restful alertness which allows a creative intelligence. Each of us is given a life force. It is an enormous gift, as well as a responsibility. This embodiment carries our spirit as well as our transcendence.

Meditation heals the very core of your being and allows self-healing. Then you’re coming from a healed, whole place of light. When you meditate twice a day, you start to feel that every area of your life changes in a beautiful way—there’s more kindness, more patience, more love.”

Read Linda Egenes’s wonderful interview with Brenda Boozer on Linda’s web page or in the latest issue of Enlightenment Magazine!

Watch Brenda Boozer performing a scene from
Georges Bizet’s “Carmen” with the Mississippi Opera:


Feature image: Enlightenment Magazine


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