Ever wondered how pop-stars manage to look so fresh despite their grueling travels across time and climate zones?

That is exactly the right type of question to put to Michelle Peck, one of the most sought after Hollywood beauty therapists.
The list of celebrities she has worked for is long, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Lopez and Justin Timberlake.
Michelle is also the personal facialist for Madonna, the ever-youthful icon of pop. Accompanying Madonna on her latest world tour, Michelle was always there for the singer: in and out of planes, zigzagging from 90 degree weather to 30 degree weather, doing Madonna’s face before every single show of the tour.
The brain is as important as the skin!
There is no doubt that Michelle Peck is an expert when it comes to applying the best available treatments and finishes to a face.
Yet the surprising thing is that Michelle’s job doesn’t stop at the level of skin. In her experience, taking care of the mind is as crucial an aspect in healthy, good looks as nurturing the body.
That’s why she regularly doles out advice to her clients, encouraging them to carve out a bit of stress-free time in each day.
“Develop a practice that works for you, that works for your schedule,” Michelle says. “I like the Transcendental Meditation technique, because I can do it anywhere, including on the plane between tour stops, and it doesn’t involve chanting.”
From a beautiful woman responsible for hundreds of famous faces, this advice comes with the power of a theory tested in glowingly successful practice.
Valerie Latona, “Madonna’s Little-Known Skin Secret”