A new magazine, Migrant Woman, has published a wonderful interview with Ana Filipovska, a young Transcendental Meditation teacher from Macedonia. We bring you a teaser of the interview – but make sure to read the full story! It’s certainly worth it!
Ana Filipovska, an architect and meditation teacher
MIGRANT WOMAN MAGAZINE: You have travelled in different countries – what you have learned from this journey?
ANA FILIPOVSKA: I was fortunate to have the chance to travel to many countries and experience the flavour and richness of many different cultures. When I went to my Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course in Thailand, I got to know people from different countries in Africa and Asia. Despite the differences in culture and religion, I noticed that below the surface there is a fundamental basis which is the same. We have the same desire for growth in life, to connect with others and to be appreciated. The more we experience these similarities the more we appreciate and love others.
MIGRANT WOMAN MAGAZINE: Which country would be your favourite?
ANA FILIPOVSKA: In every country that I have visited, I have found loving and caring people who have showed me great hospitality. After becoming a TM teacher, I feel very much at home in myself. When I travel, I feel at home in every country and enjoy the qualities of that country even more.
MIGRANT WOMAN MAGAZINE: Do you think that meditation has impacted your lifestyle?
ANA FILIPOVSKA: Absolutely. Life is always progressive for everyone but when one starts Transcendental Meditation this progress goes much faster. I became more refined and aware of the influences on my body and mind. That helped me to spontaneously live more in tune with nature.
Source: Migrant Woman Magazine
Feature image: Migrant Woman Magazine