The newspaper Cambridge News has published an article on the background, process and benefits of Transcendental Meditation. Journalist Lydia Fallon talked with teacher Jonathan Hinde from the local Transcndental Meditation centre.
Here’s an excerpt:

“Jonathan Hinde, of the Cambridge Transcendental Meditation centre, has been practicing meditation for over 30 years and sees first-hand the impact it can have on a person’s life:
“Doctors say 70 to 80 per cent of people that they see suffer from stress related conditions. We are talking about problems like high blood pressure, insomnia, ulcers, and migraines. These conditions are our body’s response to overload,” explains Jonathan.”
The article also reports back from several practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, including a company director who took up meditating ’as a last resort’ in her life resembling a hamster’s constantly spinning wheel. The time spent on meditation brought her incredible returns on investment. “My whole life settled down, there was no clutter in my mind anymore and I started to do things in a lot less time; something that used to take three hours now takes one.”
Read the full article in Cambridge News Online