As reported by New York Post, meditation sessions have become a “wildly popular pastime in Congress ahead of votes“.
The Quiet Time Caucus
New York Post writes: “Rep. Tim Ryan began organizing two weekly meditation sessions at the start of the 113th Congress almost two years ago. One session is open to staff and one to members of Congress, which Ohio Democrat Ryan calls the “Quiet Time Caucus.”
These are held from 6 to 6:30 p.m. before votes begin each week the House is in session.”
Calm minds, wise decisions
“The more staffers on the Hill who are meditating, the more it will help Congress,” says Tim Ryan. “It’s mainly Democrats [in the group], we haven’t had a Republican yet. It is not something you can force somebody to do.
We have teachers come in who teach different forms of meditation, mostly people who are working with veterans. Meditation has proven very helpful in getting veterans off their medications. We have Vietnam vets who say they haven’t had a good night’s sleep for years before this.”’
Meditation could surely help also politicians. Nothing is as vital to good decision-making as a calm, quiet mind.
“Instead of overreacting to situations, it can help create a bit of space between a thought going off and that thought being verbalized,” emphasizes Ryan. “Hopefully, it will give everybody in Congress a bit of courage and create more thoughtful arguments.”
Read full article:
“Meditation sessions a hit in dysfunctional Congress“by Emily Smith for New York Post