People who meditate are intimate with silence.
That is exactly the reason why they can choose words wisely.
Here is a collection of best quotes from meditation practitioners.
On health and happiness, successful business, stress free work, finding true love and building lasting friendships. No guru-speak, just plain old truth captured in smart one-liners or anecdotes.
Feel free to copy, save and share for inspiration 🙂
“Meditation, it is like …”
How to describe something which is… errmmm… beyond language?
“To earn the trust of your meditation, you have to visit it every day. It’s like having a puppy.”
Chelsea Richer, media producer
“It’s highly psychological, and very beautiful, and overwhelming, and real, and trippy!”
Russell Brand, stand-up comedian
“It’s a more overall kinda thing.”
Eva Mendes, actress
“It’s like having… you know, your phone has a charger, right? It’s like having a charger for your whole body and mind. That’s what Transcendental Meditation is!”
Jerry Seinfeld, stand-up comedian
“It’s a lifelong gift, something you can call on at any time.”
Sir Paul McCartney, singer-songwriter
“People shouldn’t think that its a religion or anything like that. It’s just like brushing your teeth.”
Howard Stern, talk-show host
“Meditation helps you stay in a clear-headed state so that when challenges come at you, you can deal with them like a ninja – in a calm thoughtful way.”
Ray Dalio, businessman
“Meditation, it’s kind of like a secret weapon for me.”
Mike Love, singer
“This is a donut. It is very sweet, and very good. But if you’ve never tasted a donut, you wouldn’t really know how sweet and how good a donut is… meditation is like that. Transcendental Meditation gives an experience much sweeter than the sweetness of this donut.“
David Lynch, film director
Quotes on success and work efficiency
Don’t be fooled by the appearances. Sitting eyes closed can mean serious business!
“Security lines at airports — meditation just makes me calm about that. The frustration is gone.”
Raquel Zimmermann, globe-trotting model
“With “Seinfeld” I was doing a TV series in which I was the star of the show, the executive producer of the show, the head writer, in charge of casting and editing, for 24 episodes on network television, not cable — for nine years! And I’m just a normal guy. And that was not a normal situation to be in… So I meditated every day. And that’s how I survived the nine years.”
Jerry Seinfeld, stand-up comedian and actor
“There was no clutter in my mind anymore, and I started to do things at work in a lot less time; something that used to take three hours now takes one.”
Heather Hancock, CEO
“If you want to get in touch with your creative juices, they are all going to be inside anyway. The best way to do that is to dive deep down inside.”
Donovan, singer-songwriter

“I remember an article in a health magazine for ladies titled ‘Meditation is the best Botox’… And that is because a lot of your stress is dissolved.”
Anne-marie Curry, model and actress
“Meditation guided me to create, for example — and this is very important to me — a setup with my team, with the people I work with, that is happy. I have to say, a lot of people that come to my office, the first thing they say is, ‘My God, this office has such a great energy!'”
Italo Zucchelli, fashion designer for Calvin Klein
“To find the best ideas you have to go deep within yourself.”
Olivia Locher, artist and photographer
“What I think meditation is doing is erasing that line between challenge and stress. You can take on increasingly more and more challenge without it becoming stressful.”
Dr. Fred Travis, brain researcher
“The clouds have blown away. I am now able to compose, and more importantly, be happy about what I was composing.”
Donald Sosin, composer and performer for silent films
“There’s a famous business phrase: ‘Work smarter, not harder.’ I think that is really what meditation has done for me.”
Marnie Abramson, CEO
“And you can’t imagine what has happened in the company. People who used to have migraines, don’t. People are sleeping better. People have better relationships. It’s simply fantastic.”
Oprah Winfrey, media producer & talk show host
“After starting to do Transcendental Meditation, I began to see the people I worked with as people I liked — more and more so.”
David Lynch, movie director and artist
Quotes on true love & friendship
Meditation will upgrade the way you feel about your friends, lovers, complete strangers… and even the way you look at your computer!
“When I started meditating, so many people in my life fell away. Then people I hadn’t seen for years started coming back into my life – people who don’t drain me, who I have a balanced relationship with.”
Daisy Lowe, fashion model

“And once you keep meditating you tend to see the good in people and lose your capacity to judge people in any way other than a positive manner.”
Barry Egan, columnist at The Sunday Independent
“It really helped with the transition of getting a divorce. We didn’t go to war with each other.”
Janet and Chris Attwood, writers
“We have very few fallouts between me and my husband, and even when we do, we are much more willing and able to make up properly after it, and really listen to what each other has to say.”
Rachel Chapman, opera singer
“As I continue to meditate, I grow as a person – in the way I interact with other people, in the way I do my work, even in the way I utilize my computer.”
Jay Gardner, author
“You get deeper understanding and better health. But you also benefit on the surface level – in terms of your work, your relationships, your hobbies.”
Asher Fergusson, web developer
“Animosity and hatred have been overwhelmed by love and caring. Depression is gone. My relationships are healthier than ever. And I even do not hate winter – and Christmas, for that matter – anymore.”
John Corcoran, musician
“It’s like being in love, but instead of this love directed at someone or something, it’s directed at everyone and everything.”
Preston Lindsay, journalist