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“Symphony of Silence” by George Ellis

If you are someone walking (or about to walk) the path of discovering the richness of silence within, this book provides you stories of fellow travelers.

review symphony of silence george ellis
Full title: “Symphony of Silence. An Enlightened Vision.” Length: 526 pages. Author: George A. Ellis Published: 2012

While reading the book you can marvel at the depth of their knowledge, rejoice in the kindness of their hearts and find reassurance that your quest is neither futile nor solitary.

George A. Ellis has pieced together an exquisite mosaic of interviews and stories. Each part of the whole reflects on a connection between inner silence and a different aspect of human existence including arts, sciences and religions.


Ellis himself is one of the inspiring examples of how many people’s hearts and lives one man can gently touch.

Ellis’ pioneering work in the area of criminal rehabilitation which led to his first book Inside Folsom Prison: Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program was just a start. He proceeded setting up different companies and projects throughout the world using Transcendental Meditation as a tool and with a goal in mind to eliminate human suffering.


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