Sitting calmly as you meditate in your office means serious business! 17 illuminating quotes on work efficiency and meditation.
Meditation really works –
no matter what’s your occupation

“Security lines at airports and all that. Transcendental Meditation just makes me calm about that. The frustration is gone....” – Raquel Zimmermann, model
“Everyone who learned to meditate at that company said that it was a life transforming experience; in fact, it pulled many people in that group back from taking a long-term sick leave! A lot of money was saved for the company, and human suffering avoided.” – Dr. Charlotte Bech, doctor
“With Seinfeld, I was doing a TV series in which I was the star of the show, the executive producer of the show, the head writer, in charge of casting and editing, for 24 episodes on network television, not cable – for nine years! And I’m just a normal guy. And that was not a normal situation to be in… So I meditated every day. And that’s how I survived the nine years.” – Jerry Seinfeld, stand-up comedian and actor

“For one, as a model – you do look younger! With meditation, you get less wrinkles and you generally look younger! I remember an article in a health magazine for ladies titled ‘Meditation is the best Botox’… And that is because a lot of your stress is dissolved. You regularly look more radiant.” – Anne-marie Curry, model and actress
“My whole life settled down, there was no clutter in my mind anymore, and I started to do things in a lot less time; something that used to take three hours now takes one.” – Heather Hancock, CEO
“If you want to get in touch with your creative juices, they are all going to be inside anyway. And in songwriting – I’m quite a master of that by now – you have to create the circumstances for the music to come through you. The best way to do that is to dive deep down inside. A lot of musicians do it without meditation, and they do quite well. Once you learn Transcendental Meditation, though, you can get right down there, and like David Lynch says, catch those big fish.” – Donovan, singer-songwriter

“I have been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for over 30 years. Transcendental Meditation has helped me to consistently raise my performance levels.” – Ramani Ayer, businessman
“I have to say, it has so many implications. It guided me to create, for example—and this is very important to me – a setup with my team, with the people I work with, that is happy. I have to say, a lot of people that come to my office, the first thing they say is, ‘My God, this office has such a great energy!‘” – Italo Zucchelli, fashion designer for Calvin Klein
“I work as a composer for TV, where deadlines get ever shorter, and competition ever fiercer, and morning and evening meditation ensures that I’m focused on the enjoyable parts of life and keeps a flow of creative ideas open that never seems to run out!” – Mike Sampey, composer and TM teacher
“To find the best ideas you have to go deep within yourself. To do this I practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day, every day, and by doing so I believe it keeps the ideas coming.” – Olivia Locher, artist and photographer
“It really helps me access my inner creativity. It’s something that facilitates deep immersion when I’m on stage.” – Sharon Isbin, classical guitarist

“What I think TM is doing is erasing that line between challenge and stress. You can take on increasingly more and more challenge without it becoming stressful. I think some of that is because you never have the perception that it’s too much; you never have the perception that this experience is going to overtake you.” – Dr. Fred Travis, brain researcher
“Within a short period of time, after I had started meditating, all the clouds blew away! I was able to compose, and more importantly, be happy about what I was composing.” – Donald Sosin, composer and performer for silent films
“There’s a famous business phrase: ‘Work smarter, not harder.’ I think that is really what the Transcendental Meditation program has done for me.” – Marnie Abramson, business executive

“For me, I got more and more happiness in the doing of things; ideas seemed to flow more freely. I felt more energy for the work and I began to see other people as people I liked more and more.”– David Lynch, movie director and artist
“And recently, work has become so much less stressful, so much more fun. I am not taking it all on so much anymore.” – Daisy Lowe, fashion model