Are you looking for a way to making a 180-degree career turn? Want to top-up your bachelor’s degree with an M.A in the same field? Would you like to learn something new just for fun? Do you yearn to understand life and yourself more deeply?
However many of these goals you may have, one way to pursue them is by enrolling in the degree programs and courses offered by Maharishi University of Management Online.

The perks of online courses and degree programs are obvious: your geographic location will play no role – you need not move or pay for room and board away from home; there is more flexibility with the schedule so you can better fit your studies around your work or family obligations.
While there are some drawbacks to e-learning, such as a lack of face-to-face interaction (which at best is replaced by screen-to-screen meetings), it is still a great option for expanding your knowledge.
Three full degree programs
Currently MUM offers the following online degree programs: Master of Business Administration, Master of Arts in Maharishi Vedic Science, and Master of Science in Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine.
The Business department also offers Graduate Certificate programs that can either feed into a full-fledged MBA degree or simply provide advanced knowledge in specialized areas such as Lean Accounting Systems, Management Information Systems, CPA Exam Prep, Financial Accounting CMA Exam Prep, Managerial Accounting, and Business Administration.
For those looking for non-credit courses, MUM Online provides a chance to learn about Ayurvedic medicine and cooking, Brain & Consciousness, Buddhism, Physics and Consciousness, Yoga Asanas, organic gardening, heart health, and sustainable Vastu building.
Course fees vary depending on whether one takes the courses for credit or not. Those pursuing the degree programs are eligible for student loans.
MUM uses Sakai and Moodle learning platforms to deliver the courses in the form of recorded lectures, discussion forums, and environments for submitting homework and conducting webinars.
MUM’s commitment to expanding and improving its online learning opportunities stems from a mission – to enable people around the world to benefit from its Consciousness-Based approach to knowledge, which the University has a unique advantage in providing—especially in the case of Maharishi Ayurveda and Maharishi Vedic Science.
A student’s testimony
“I completed the first year of the part-time Master’s in Vedic Science at MUM in Fairfield before returning home to Australia,” says Marie from Australia.
“I then registered with MUM Online to finish my degree. I found the online classes easy to manage and the professors highly knowledgeable, helpful and extremely attentive. I really looked forward to each Monday when the classes were posted online. It took me approximately two days to finish the reading and to answer the online questions set by the professors.
“Every month the worldwide class had a conference call with the professors to answer any queries on the subject. However, if I had a query at any time throughout the course, the professors would personally answer me, which made me feel that distance was no barrier to learning. Everything proceeded smoothly throughout the subjects taken with MUM Online.
I would highly recommend this method to anyone who has the desire for greater knowledge that can be gained in the comfort of one’s own home.”