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WHY MEDITATE? 18 ways meditation can change your life

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In today’s busy fast paced world there is a need to experience silence through meditation. Here are the biggest reasons why people meditate

1. Be happier and more content

Scientific studies show that 90% of happiness does NOT depend on external circumstances but on how our brain processes whatever is going on in our life. Quite a mind-boggling statement.

If that sounds unbelievable, let’s think of a time we felt tired and as a result, got irritated or unnerved by situations that were, in hindsight, not so bad.


Or let’s consider how someone having depression can not find joy in things he/she used to love. It really is all in the head in processing life’s events.

So, the question is whether there is anything one can do — something real and tangible, not just quick-fix mood-making — that would help to see the glass half full rather than half empty? In fact, there is.

Read more about the effect of meditation on happiness levels:

why meditate meditation is good best reasons


2. Enjoy better health and longer life

People can go into meditation practice because they just want to live a long and healthy life, or because they are looking for help against a specific disease/ailment/health issue.

Here are common health problems where meditating has been shown to have a significant positive impact:

why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.1. Getting blood pressure under control

If someone has high blood pressure (hypertension), then learning Transcendental Meditation (TM) could be a wise step toward better health.

reduce blood pressure tm meditation 1TM has been scientifically proven to reduce blood pressure in:

  • people with hypertension;
  • people with heart disease;
  • the old and young;
  • people under stress and at rest.

Read more about how meditation can help lower blood pressure:

why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.2. Strong, healthy heart

heart disease stress prevention links adviceFrom increasing blood pressure to raising cholesterol levels, stress is linked to heart disease. So it is actually no surprise that an effective way of relieving stress also benefits your heart.

This has been shown in several recent research studies. A calming meditation practice not only busts stress but also:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • reverses coronary atherosclerosis;
  • decreases left ventricular mass index (an indicator of heart health);
  • relieves symptoms of different existing heart conditions.

Read more about the beneficial effect of meditation on the heart:


why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.3. Solving weight issues by simply sitting quietly 

It is scientifically proven that unhealthy food is just as addictive as cocaine. No wonder so many people struggle to lose weight or develop serious eating disorders!

In order to effectively shed pounds, the harmful “highs” of sugary/salty/starchy/fatty foods must be replaced with “healthy fixes” – healthy foods, exercise, and meditation.

This combination of good habits will help keep the mind-body system naturally content and happy. The urge to drown the daily sorrows in a bucket of ice cream vanishes of its own accord.

To learn more about how and why meditation can help to lose weight:


why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.4. Kicking insomnia with meditation

Getting enough sleep is essential to feeling good inside and out. But what if one is too anxious and stressed out to fall asleep in the first place?

If this is the case, giving meditation a go wouldn’t be a bad idea at all–sitting quietly before going to bed is a great, proven tool for relieving insomnia. Like other treatments for sleep problems, meditation has many side effects. Unlike sleeping pills, however, these side effects are all positive, ranging from increased work efficiency to improved relationships!

Read more about the secret of sleeping like a baby:


why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.5. Undergoing treatment for / recovering from cancer

A person who has been diagnosed with cancer has to face not only the physical pain and discomfort that comes with the disease and the treatment but also the mental anxiety that accompanies the difficult journey.

One of the recommended treatments for the anxiety and mood disorders that cancer patients might suffer from is the Transcendental Meditation technique.

The technique’s ability to relieve stress is bound to help the body and mind cope with the challenge of cancer. There are several moving testimonies on how this effective stress-management practice lays the foundations for getting back to full health.

Read more about cancer patients and the effect of meditating:


why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.6. Living a normal life with HIV / AIDS

A recent study showed that meditation practice clearly improves the health-related quality of life for people living with HIV.

The HIV patients who meditated also had better outcomes on measures such as stress hormone levels and T-cell count, as well as improvements in areas such as the ability to be physically and socially active, pain levels, general mental health, vitality, and general health.

Scientists believe that the effect comes from meditation’s power to relieve stress. Feeling less stressed is bound to keep the immune system in a better condition.

Read more about the effect of meditation on HIV patients:


why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.7. Quitting smoking, drinking, drugs, and other addictions.

How is it possible to quit smoking or drugs without even intending to? How to make recovery from alcoholism easier?

The answer could lie in a practice that cuts the problem at its very root.

Usually, the real reason for picking up a cigarette or a drink is the need to relieve stress – the desire to unwind and relax.

Yet meditation is an easy-to-learn technique that has been found to make quitting smoking and recovering from alcohol addiction much easier exactly because it relaxes your mind and body with no undesired side effects.

Read more about how meditation can help people to overcome addiction:


why meditate meditation is good best reasons

2.8. Managing a stress-related health problem

Stress can cause a medical problem and make its symptoms worse.

Finding a great stress-busting technique to complement the treatment can thus be a crucial issue for people battling with a medical condition aggravated by stress.

Meditation, for one, is exactly such a weapon against stress and anxiety. The practice has been scientifically linked to longer life, less need for medical help, and improved symptoms for many conditions.

Read more on why people who meditate have a firm handle on their stress levels:


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2.9. Effective relief for ADHD through meditation

Stress is often a trigger of ADHD, and the reverse is true as well – living with ADHD makes a person’s day-to-day life far more stressful. Stress can also lead to insomnia and insufficient sleep, both of which worsen ADHD symptoms. And in case of stress drives one to eat unhealthy foods laden with sugar and fat and unhealthy additives, hyperactivity is bound to increase.

To escape from these vicious circles, people diagnosed with ADHD need effective stress relief.

A few years ago, based on previous studies showing the effect meditating has on improving brain function and reducing stress and anxiety, two important studies were conducted with students with ADHD.

Meditation practice resulted in all-around improvement of the students’ ADHD symptoms, including:

  • reduced stress and anxiety and increased happiness,
  • better ability to focus on schoolwork, organize one’s work, and work independently,
  • improved quality of sleep,
  • normalization of social inhibition and less impulsivity.

Read more on the effect of meditation practice on ADHD symptoms:


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2.10. Living a long and healthy life practicing meditation

We think of stress as a mental thing. Yet, stress downright destroys our body in so many ways – from raising our blood pressure to damaging the DNA.

Therefore, besides healthy food and exercise, a technique to bust stress is an essential ingredient for a long and healthy life.

Meditation has been proven to effectively relieve stress. Perhaps this is the main reason the people who are meditating regularly have been found to live longer and need less medical help along the way!

More on meditation and a longer, healthier life:


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why meditate

3. Why meditate: Harmonious, happy relationships

What has sitting still with eyes closed got to do with being a better co-worker, parent, or spouse? How is it possible that meditation has been found to improve relationships?

Well, the answer lies in what stress does to our brains.

Just think of a time when you came home from a hard day at work or school and got upset with a family member or a friend for some absolutely silly reason. When we are stressed out, cognitive processes that are needed for harmonious relationships – empathy, self-regulation, rational information processing, etc – simply get shut down.

That’s why folks who invest time in stress relief by doing meditation discover that, suddenly, there is naturally more harmony in their interactions with others!

Learn more about the effect of meditation on relationships:


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reasons why meditation is good for you

4. Why meditate: More success in business and at school

Contrary to a stereotypical image of a meditator as a passive figure covered with moss in some remote mountain cave, regular meditation practice will actually lay a solid foundation for success in our daily activities. There’s accumulating scientific evidence that meditating will make one sharper, smarter, and more creative. That will have a big positive impact on your work and studies.

4.1. Giving a boost to your work and career

Haven’t we all, in our life, dreamed of improving our work effectiveness, leadership abilities, or level of creativity?

Well, it comes out that it may be possible to do these: scientific studies show that people meditating regularly will get better in all the above areas.

Because stress makes the brain switch to survival mode, a stressed-out person can no longer properly process information, exhibit good interpersonal skills, or come up with creative ideas.

And that is exactly the reason meditating can be so effective in making someone better at his / her job consistently, day in and day out.

Read more about how meditation practice can help you at work:


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4.2. Improving the academic performance with daily meditation

Whether we’re talking about preschool or college, less stress means better academic results. This is true for students of all ages.

Under stress, the human brain literally turns off its higher cognitive functions – including information-processing and memory – to save energy for a primal fight-or-flight response. Hence, it is no wonder that, as a top-notch tool for reducing stress, meditation is linked to considerably improved academic performance.

Learn more about how meditating regularly can boost students’ performance:


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what meditation gives you

5. Why meditate: Excelling at sports and getting really fit

Turns out that better athletic performance may come from something quite unexpected: from sitting on your bum and doing nothing!

Studying world-class athletes’ brain activity patterns and other mental characteristics has shown that much of the athletes’ success can be attributed to high levels of brain integration, self-development, and the ability to have peak experiences.

And to develop these characteristics yourself, you don’t have to break a sweat. For instance, people practicing the  Transcendental Meditation technique have been shown to lead to higher brain integration, more emotional stability, and decreased anxiety — even during performing challenging tasks.

Read more about how meditation can give a new wrinkle to your game:


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why meditate practice

6. Why meditate: Steps on the way to enlightenment

Spiritual awakening or enlightenment is actually not as mystical as it may sound. The entire process could be described as seeing life for what it really is and living every moment from that understanding.

What it usually takes is to clear away the blur caused by too much stress and tension in our everyday life. As one learns to settle and calm down, the deepest levels of consciousness will start shining through on their own accord.

Step by step, one will see how beautiful and blissful life really is — and then act from that understanding in his / her everyday activities. Enlightenment and deeper meaning in life are not religious or esoteric in their nature, but very practical states accessible to everyone.

Read more on the spiritual path and meditation.


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