As the CEO and Chairman of The Hartford Group, Ramani Ayer became one of the first Indians to head a Fortune 100 company. What’s his secret to success?
Relentless work
“I’ve benefited from my Indian background,” says Ramani Ayer. “Growing up in a very simple family with a real passion for hard work. In other words, you never stopped working. You just worked. Work was liberating and work was part of what defined who you were.”
But there’s another bit in the formula which complements and empowers Ayer’s penchant for hard, honest work.
When many other top-level businessmen wither slowly under continuous stress or simply burn out physically, Ayer has been going from strength to strength thanks to his favorite practice
Meditation: an ancient technique for modern-day success
Ramani Ayer learned to meditate when he was 24, completing the basic Transcendental Meditation program while studying at Drexel University in the U.S.
“I have been doing TM for over 35 years,” Ayer admits.
“In terms of my professional life, TM meditation has helped me to consistently raise my performance levels. It has helped me cope with the stresses and strains of life. And I believe strongly that the practice of meditation has helped me to maintain a steady state of mind — it has given me equanimity no matter what happens.“
It convinced Ayer that the benefits of TM are not limited to the individual meditator.
Benefiting the entire world through group meditation
For many years now, Ramani Ayer has been actively involved in the Global Peace Initiative, which uses meditation to further harmony and peace.

He refers to this initiative as a powerful, practical, scientific, and highly cost-effective initiative to reduce violence and conflict in the world.
“I personally have benefited in my own life by practicing the TM meditation. It has helped me in so many ways as an individual,” Ayer explains. “And when I met Maharishi, and I saw his deep concern for the future of the world and how he had worked most of his life to create this opportunity for mankind, I really felt I should do whatever I could to see his work come to fruition.”
“Most people don’t even think world peace is possible, that it’s a dream. But I am convinced we now have a scientific, practical, and reliable way to use mankind’s most ancient knowledge to usher in a new destiny for mankind. It’s a very big thing—historic—and it is a joy to be part of the global efforts.”
Ramani Ayer serves on the board of Maharishi International University.
“Indian honchos splash US Inc, climb Fortune mountain”
The Economic Times” Ramani Ayer”
“In Conversation With Ramani Ayer” by Ranjani Saigal